Thursday, August 12, 2021

Bejewelled Beauty

During my years of posting and interacting with my followers, one argument always seems to surface, especially since my following is rather large so opinions are bound to be different, about whether “natural” or “improved” is better, sexier, or hotter. And sometimes, my post choices confuse people because I have my own preferences but I also post for my followers too. I don't think either way is better, sexier, or hotter because attraction is purely an individual thing and just because you think one thing is hotter doesn't mean someone else would, so if you like 'em natural and you see a post with a gal “improved” just pass the post up, don't comment somethin' nasty or disgustin' that could hurt the person pictured if you said it to their face or to the other person commenting how much they like her, just state nicely you prefer the other and than compliment somethin' else about the pic...because every woman who has had “improvements” will still have somethin' natural about them...such as this lovely ladies, it just looks so warm...her tanline...her mouth...her lips...she's just gorgeous!

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